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What is Ontario Bill 18 and why is it important?

Although Bill 18 has been in effect for 2 years now, it is not widely known. As an organization partnering with a staffing agency, the implications of this bill are vital to understanding your role and responsibility as hosting client to a temporary workforce.
October 6, 2020
5-minute read

Welcome to TalentWorld. Good things start here.

We’re building something different. A new kind of staffing & recruitment agency. One that brings back a sense of depth to an industry that’s about speed and automation. 

September 18, 2020
2-minute read

Remote onboarding: setting up new hires for success from a distance.

Whether it be in the office or remote, ensuring a positive experience for new hires and a smooth integration into the company is fundamental to their success. A strong onboarding program has been found to improve both retention and productivity of new hires.
September 9, 2020
11-minute read

5 factors to consider about job seeker hesitations during COVID-19.

With a significant portion of the Canadian workforce still unemployed (10.9% reported for this July, as compared to 5.6% last year) or on temporary layoff, you might expect to have a plentiful pool of qualified job seekers ready to apply. Unfortunately, you might have found this may not be the case.
September 9, 2020
7-minute read
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