IT Staffing & Recruitment

Looking to hire for your IT department?

IT customer service representative

TalentWorld can support your digital transformation by finding the people you need to make an impact.

We understand the challenges your business has faced having to move people to remote work almost overnight. Digital transformation is no longer something on the horizon. We can help you pivot.

From IT support and Help Desk to support the transition to remote work. To UX/UI designers and developers to drive digital projects. We’ve got your unique business needs covered.

Scroll to learn how we've helped other companies build their IT teams across the country.


Case Studies
What makes us stand out?

We take the time to build meaningful relationships.

Client: Government Agency

Role(s): Azure DevOps Engineer

Search was put on hold when a potential internal candidate had been identified. However, we had just connected with someone we thought would be the perfect-fit. We submitted their profile as a back-up, and as we suspected, our candidate was the right choice in the end.

From back-up candidate to offer because we truly understood their business and their needs.

We understand the complexities of your roles.

Client: Business Process Outsourcing

Role(s): Business Analyst

Our client identified a gap in their team. They knew this role would require someone who could make an impact, but they weren’t completely sure of the expertise needed. 

We took their unusual job description and brought some clarity based on the problems they were trying to solve. They were so happy with the Business Analyst we placed that we jumped right into the next role.

We have a talented pool of contractors that trust us.

Client: Manufacturing Company

Role(s): Help Desk

With office staff moving to remote work, our client needed part-time help to support their Help Desk team during peak hours. It was difficult to fill because there was no flexibility in the shift. 

We take the time to build meaningful relationships with clients and candidates alike. That means understanding our contractors career goals. When an opportunity arises that can move them forward, they consider.

Curious to see how we can help you? Let’s talk.

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What is Ontario Bill 18 and why is it important?

Although Bill 18 has been in effect for 2 years now, it is not widely known. As an organization partnering with a staffing agency, the implications of this bill are vital to understanding your role and responsibility as hosting client to a temporary workforce.
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Welcome to TalentWorld. Good things start here.

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Recruitment trends on the rise that every employer should know about.

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